Saturday, January 23, 2010

What do you do with the SAD?

I saw the notice in the paper this morning-"3 year old. Died at home.  More details later."
"How sad." I thought.

Then I listened to the message on my recorder.  Pastor John was calling to tell me that this event occured to a friend of a friend.  The young moms at church know this family.  One chilld is best friends with the older sister. How sad!

I made some calls.  Michelle is sad for her friend and anxious about her own children.  How can we be even more careful?  The little boy was supposed to be napping.  His bed is one of those molded plastic cars with a roof over the bed.  He climbed on top and looked out the window.  He slipped and was caught in the cord hanging from the window covering.  We have all heard these terrilble stories.  We think it is such a rare occurance, we usually don't give it much thought.  Now what do we do with those fears?  Michelle told me to hug my grandchildren.  She was hugging her children.

Next I called Ana. This call was harder. She said she had encouraged her daughter to leave a love message on the cell phone.  What does one five year-old say to another?  "I'm sad that your brother died?"  Parents assure children that Jesus is taking care of Daniel now, but most children only understand the care given to them by those they can see.  What do we do with this SAD?

Ana said she could only hug her friend when she stopped by after the meeting to make funeral arrangements.  There are few words of comfort one can share with grieving parents.  What do you do with the guilt?  Tragic accidents are just that-tragic and accidental. 

I will revisit this when I know more.  The funeral is Tuesday. I will offer to sit with Ana.  Sometimes showing up and hugging are the only things to be done.  The SAD is still here.


  1. A good playgroup friend's two year old drowned when Kevin and the two year old's brother were about three. It still haunts me. We did a lot of sitting with the mom, not saying much. The family got a lot of help professionally and from friends and they are doing well, but the unbelievableness doesn't go away even after all these years.

  2. You have such a big heart. There is so much suffering. Often it's far away, but just as often it's someone in your neighborhood. There are no guarantees. I think you try to enjoy every sandwich, and try to obey the campground rules as it pertains to life as a whole: try to leave things better than you found it.
